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Youth towards sustainable employment

Chad's population is estimated at over 16 million, with the majority being young people (over 68% under 25 years old), making up more than half of the total population. According to projections from the same source, Chad will have 22.2 million inhabitants by 2030 and 36.8 million by 2050, with a natural growth rate of 3.1% per year, one of the highest in the world. The Chadian youth, representing the majority of the population, face several challenges, notably socio-professional integration, due to the relatively high unemployment rate among this demographic.
According to the Fourth Survey on Household Living Conditions and Poverty in Chad (ECOSIT4), the overall unemployment rate, according to the broad ILO definition, is 18.4%. Women and young people aged 15-24 are the most affected by unemployment, with rates of 26.8% and 30.3%, respectively, highlighting the vulnerability of these two groups.
Unemployment data reveal significant disparities based on the area of residence and education level. Spatial data show that cities in general, and N'Djamena in particular, have the highest unemployment rates. This can be explained by the high concentration of economic activities in cities, especially in N'Djamena, which attracts young people, particularly those from rural areas. Additionally, data classified by type and level of qualification reveal that unemployment primarily affects young graduates from secondary and higher education and vocational training (70%).
There are at least two plausible explanations for the high unemployment rate among this group of graduates. Firstly, students do not choose their careers based on labor market opportunities, resulting in a mismatch between education and market demands. Secondly, young people, particularly secondary graduates, have a relatively low level of qualification, limiting their employability and making them less competitive in an already saturated and highly competitive labor market.
To provide effective and integrated solutions to the above challenges faced by young first-time job seekers in Chad, the ESSOR Association has engaged the services of the social enterprise Job Booster Chad to support and assist 150 job seekers, including at least 40% women, to benefit from paid internships and post-internship support to achieve an insertion rate of at least 50% one year after the start of their internship.
The vision of the ESSOR Association through the "Youth Towards Sustainable Employment" project is to strengthen the training and professional integration sector to serve young graduates and non-graduates exposed to the aforementioned vulnerability conditions, from which Chadian youth aspire to emerge honorably. One of the project's objectives is to make vulnerable non-graduates and young graduates actors of their future through training and integration into economic life, particularly via entrepreneurship. Achieving this objective involves professional integration support through paid internships, for which the responsibility is entrusted to the social enterprise Job Booster Chad, which will ensure the support and professional integration of 150 young people over a three-year period.
Job Booster Chad Enterprise's mission is market-oriented and can be summarized in four steps :
- Identifying internship opportunities: Identifying internship opportunities in private companies, including SMEs, national and international organizations, etc., for the professional integration of young people.
- Recruitment and support: Recruiting and supporting young first-time job seekers who potentially meet the identified needs and providing training modules to develop their employability.
- Placement: Placing young first-time job seekers in the identified companies and organizations.
- Post-Internship follow-up: Conducting post-internship follow-ups with the placed youth to ensure they contribute to the productivity of the organization in which they are placed and to achieve an insertion rate of at least 50% one year after the start of the internship.
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