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About Company

Action contre la Faim is a humanitarian association founded in 1979 and recognized as a public utility. Field teams work in over 37 countries, in the fields of nutrition-health, food security and livelihoods, and water, hygiene and sanitation. Structured as an international network, Action Against Hunger is represented in London, Madrid, New York, Montreal and Paris.

The Action contre la Faim mission in Chad is developing programs to combat severe acute malnutrition and promote food security, currently operating in Kanem from the Mao base, in Bahr El Ghazal from Moussoro, in the Lake from the Baga Sola base and in Logone Oriental from the Goré base.N'Djamena is the mission's capital base and is used to supply the programs developed from Mao, Moussoro, Baga Sola and Goré.

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